2 Kings 4 tells the story of the widow with a little oil. She was desperate, but her story teaches a powerful lesson.
This widow was in debt and she had no money to pay the debt, so her sons were going to be sold into slavery.
The first thing that stands out to me in this story is that before she did anything, she went to the man of God, Elisha. Where do you turn when you are desperate or empty? I hope you run to God because He is the only one who can fulfill all your needs. The widow trusted that Elisha would have an answer to her problem. But I don’t think Elisha responded the way she expected. I think she was looking for him to solve her problem. Instead, he said, (MSG) v.2 “I wonder how I can be of help?” Elisha wasn’t clueless, but I believe he want her to look at what she had to offer. How easy is it to just expect God to take care of whatever problem you have? Often, He wants to show you something through the process instead of just instantly giving you what you are hoping for.
Elisha then asked what she had in her house. At first, the widow said she had nothing. If I asked you the question, “What do you have to give?” For many of us, our first response would be “nothing, there’s nothing I can do.” The widow did not think the oil that she had was significant. Do you ever feel that way too, insignificant and not enough? But God will take your “nothing” and turn it into something great!
Once the widow acknowledged that she did have something she could use, Elisha is specific about his instructions.
1) v. 3 “borrow containers from all your neighbors, empty containers—and not just a few,“ He wanted the vessels to be ready and empty for what God was going to do.
He was also telling her to think big. When you ask God for something, be ready for what He wants to do, and remember He can do big things, beyond what you can even imagine.
2) v. 4 “Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons.”
Eliminate distractions. When you seek Him, eliminate as much as you can. Get alone with God and listen.
3) v. 4 “Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.”
As long as you continue to come to Christ as an open, willing vessel, He will continue to pour out upon you, just like this widow and her empty jars. The oil did not stop flowing until she was out of vessels.
After being obedient to what Elisha had said, the widow saw a miracle. The oil did not stop flowing until she was out of vessels, and she was able to pay her debts.
So, what do you have? God wants you to use what you have to bring Him glory. What are your gifts or talents? What do you enjoy doing? How can you use that for the kingdom of God?
God gave you talents, even if it seems insignificant, God will use them and make them great if you allow Him to.
There is something else that I want you to catch from this story. God performed a miracle, but the widow did the work. God wants to work through you, sometimes you have to work for the miracle that God is going to provide.
So, what can we learn from this nameless but significant woman? This woman had a need and a desire to see God move, she had a sense of expectancy that God would meet her need, and she was obedient to the instructions that she was given. Her story also teaches us to think big, because nothing is too small for God. Be ready and available for God to use you, and minimize distractions. God is more than enough to fulfill all of our needs, and when we are empty, He will fill us up.
Lord, thank you for your miracles! Help me to learn from the lessons within this story. Help me to seek you with desire, expectancy, and obedience. Lord, thank you for using my little because I know that you can take make little and make it something great; just like you did with the little oil that this widow had. Amen