I have prayerfully considered my words and I have chosen to write my thoughts here instead of on open post in the vicious social media world so that people can choose to open my post or not.
I have had a heavy burden for awhile of how we present ourselves as Christians. This has mostly been from what I see as I scroll through the endless posts on social media from Christians using this platform to gripe, complain, judge, and criticize.
As I have scrolled through Facebook yesterday and today; I am heartbroken, I am ashamed, and I am embarrassed by many of the posts and comments I am reading.
It’s not just about the events yesterday, it’s everyday. As a Christian, I cannot believe what I see my brothers and sisters in Christ posting. I see judging, criticism, and down right hatred. Things that the Bible doesn’t teach. I read that I should love others and be kind. Matthew 5:16 says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Many of the things being said on social media by Christians are not glorifying Christ. In many cases, the light is gone.
Social media has given us a platform and a voice. Standing up for what we believe in is a great thing. Our voice is a source of power. It’s a God-given natural right, and it is a FREEDOM that we have in this country that many people do not have. We take this freedom for granted. Please hear my heart, posting your opinion of events is not wrong. It’s not what you say, it’s HOW you say it. James 3: 5 tells us that “A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it!” We are destroying our Christian witness because many of our tongues have become a weapon.
Proverbs 15:1 says “A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The words that I have seen so many Christians using are not Christ-like in any way. Stirring up anger turns people away, it doesn’t make disciples. The verbal attacks that I see are not going to win anyone to Christ.
Christians who are claiming victory, hear me, the real fight is just beginning. This ruling yesterday gave power to each individual state. That means the fight is going to get closer to home. Are you ready for that? The only way any battle will ever be won is on your face before God, not screaming victory and fighting on Facebook because your opinion differs from someone else. Fighting with prayers that say, “God, YOUR will be done in ALL situations!”
So why are we throwing stones of judgement and hatred on social media? Jesus said, “let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” in John 8:7. Be a light in this dark world. Don’t add to the chaos and negativity.
Lord, forgive us for not being a light to this world. Forgive us for going to social media before bowing before you. Help us to walk humbly, cautiously, and in a way that brings people to you. Help us to speak words of love instead of stones of judgement. Thank you for the freedom to have a voice, but I pray we use it responsibly, in a way that shows love and kindness. Tame our tongue and allow us to accomplish powerful, mighty, and glorious things with our voices. Amen