Did you ever play with a kaleidoscope when you were a child? I haven’t seen one in years, but I remember being fascinated by them when I was little. A kaleidoscope could keep me entertained for quite a while as I turned the tube of bright colors in my hand. The colors seemed to look different with each rotation, and the images were mesmerizing.
As I watched those colors dance, I never thought about how all of those colorful designs were formed. But now, I realize that inside the kaleidoscope there are just broken bits of glass. It is the light that enters the tube that creates the real magic of the kaleidoscope. When the light enters the tube, it reflects off of those crushed and broken bits in order to form a beautiful mosaic of color. If I could lay all of those crushed, colorful bits of glass out on a table, they would still just be broken pieces because the light can not reflect off of them if there is no way for the light to get through.
Broken bits…how often would we call broken, beautiful? But broken can be beautiful in the hands of the One who can shine light between all of the pieces. It is when we are broken that we can reach the end of ourselves. That is when we allow God’s light to enter us so that He can create a beautiful design, just like the mosaic of the kaleidoscope.
Every situation that has made you “broken” by the world’s standards, is a piece that God can shine upon in order to create a beautiful masterpiece. God will shine His light on all of those broken pieces and give them meaning and beauty and purpose.
What past or current situation has you feeling broken? Are you willing to put it in God’s hands?
Psalm 34:18 (MSG) says “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God is close to you in your time of trouble. He wants to shine His light through all of your broken pieces so that there is beauty and purpose for every tiny piece.
Take the first step by placing the pieces in His hand.
Lord, thank you for seeing my brokenness and for shining light in dark places. Today, I offer my broken pieces to you, and I put them in your hand. I know that only you can make those broken pieces beautiful. I am looking forward to the mosaic that only you can create. Amen