What stirs you up? What lights your fire?
If you know me, you know that I don’t get really upset too often. You would also know that I hate conflict. It is something that I will usually do almost anything to avoid. But recently, I encountered a situation that totally set me off. After being angered by what the person said, I actually found myself in a debate with that person. It just made me upset that they wanted to argue and really had no idea what they were talking about. I got stirred up. But until then, I had not even realized that the subject would strike such a deep nerve. My voice needed to be heard, I needed to stand up for beliefs, and I was willing to take this person on. Finally, when I realized that I was talking to a brick wall, I had to stop.
But I continued thinking about it for days! My feelings over this situation actually consumed my thoughts.
But God convicted me. He didn’t convict me for feeling what I did about that particular subject, He didn’t even convict me about being in conflict. He convicted me because more often than not, I don’t get that stirred up and passionate about Him or seeing people saved.
Is it wrong to be passionate or have strong opinions about certain things? Absolutely not! God gave you that passion. Is it wrong to be in conflict with another believer? Not if you do it in a way that doesn’t compromise your witness.
But do you get passionate and fired up when you are praising God? Do you have a passion for seeing people saved?
My husband always says, “if that doesn’t light your fire, your wood’s wet.”
What lights your fire? You will know by the emotions that burn inside of you.
Psalms 69:9 (ESV) says, “the zeal for your house consumes me…” Some translations say “the zeal of your house hath eaten me up…” The topic that spurred my debate ate me up inside. I felt that passion and zeal, but I pray that the words spoken in Psalms 69:9 become your prayer. Pray that God gives you a zeal and passion like you have never had before. A passion for Him and a passion to see lives changed by the power of Jesus Christ.
Journal prompt: Do you have a passion for God and a passion for seeing people saved? What am I passionate about?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for not not having the zeal that I should for you and seeing people saved. I pray that you give me a zeal and passion like I have never felt before. Lord, set me ablaze for you. I don’t want to be just a candle, but I want to burn bright for the world to see. Amen