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Writer's picturelibbyrubacha

Let He Without Sin Cast the First Stone

ohn 8:7 (NASB) “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”

I’m pretty sure that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has issues. No one is perfect. But I think that sometimes non-christians expect christians to be perfect. Although we should hold ourselves to high standards, none of us will live up to everyone’s expectations.

I’ve mentioned many times before that I am a people pleaser. But there are times that I have to realize that there are people that will always find fault with me no matter what I do.

I already knew this of course, but it was brought to my attention recently when my integrity was questioned. I took a step back and examined myself before I assessed the situation deeper.

Matthew 7:4 (NIV) says, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? “

I want to plead with you today, don’t be a hypocrite. When people want to condemn you for something you have done wrong, don’t point out their wrongs in return.

It is so easy to react in a rash way before thinking about what we might have done to cause or add to a problem. Instead, we tend to accuse and then problems are never solved.

In the story of the adulterous woman, she was brought before the people who were going to stone her for her sin. The Pharisees wanted to test Jesus by asking what he thought they should do with her since the law was to stone her. But to their surprise, he surprised them by turning it back on them. The Bible says that one by one, they dropped their stones and left. Then it was just she and Jesus, alone. He offered her forgiveness, with the command to go and sin no more. I’m willing to bet that she never forgot what Jesus offered her that day. I would also tend to believe that she followed His command to “go and sin no more.”

Jesus forgave the adulterous woman. He granted mercy to this woman who didn’t deserve it. He offered hope in a desperate situation. He granted her peace.

He has offered all of this to you as well. Have you gotten alone with Jesus and accepted all that He has offered you? Accept his forgiveness, mercy, hope, and peace. He is reaching out to you today.

Journal prompt: How often do you react instead of respond to those who accuse you? What sins have you been forgiven of? Do you need to put down your stones? Do you need to accept what. Heist is offering you?

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for reacting harshly to those that come against me. Help me to see your example of love. Help me to first take the plank out of my own eye before I try to take the speck out of someone else’s eye. Thank you for your forgiveness, mercy, and grace, and help me to extend grace and mercy to others. Amen

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