Allow Yourself to be Refreshed and Renewed
Have you ever stood in front of a nearly empty vending machine wondering what to choose from the few choices that were left? The things that are left are usually the leftovers that no one wants, and they are probably stale. Sometimes we let ourselves get just like that nearly empty vending machine. We have dispensed until all we have left is the junk that is not desirable, and we are in desperate need of being refilled.
As women, we are programmed to do for others. Are you a young mom who wonders when you will get your next shower? Maybe you are a mom working full time and feel like you have nothing left to give when you get home from work. Maybe you are taking care of an aging parent on top of what you do at work and home. Whether it’s kids, husband, parents, friends, the stress of a job, duties at church, or the housework that’s never-ending; you are giving of yourself constantly. Many of us give without even thinking, it’s in our nature to love and nurture. But do you get worn out?
My teenage daughter made a comment recently that she was getting worn out always doing the same thing every day. I asked her if she thought it gets any better as we get older. After thinking about it, she groaned. She made me consider my life too. I’m a teacher, I go to work and teach the same kids every day. I come home to cook dinner, clean the kitchen, do laundry, and do devotions with my husband at the same time every evening. I go to football or basketball games on Friday nights to watch my daughter cheer. It’s the same thing every day, every week! I’m pouring out and giving of myself to my husband, my kids, my parents, my students, and my friends every day. But what am I doing for myself?
If I am only giving, but never allowing myself to refresh, reset, and recharge; my well will dry up-just like that vending machine of stale, unwanted snacks. I can easily become bitter, depressed, and resentful. No one wants those things. I won’t be effective, and I won’t be living the life that God wants me to live. God didn't create us to just pour out. He wants to fill us up. In order to do that we must spend time with Him through prayer and studying His word. Mark 6:31-32 says “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” But we also need to rest. Jesus’ disciples needed rest, they hadn’t even been able to eat. They gave of themselves and they needed to renew their mind, body, and spirit.
We will always give of ourselves. We will always have a never-ending to-do list. But make sure you carve out time to spend with God; he wants to refill you. Do a little something that's just for you as well. You deserve it! You need to take care of yourself. What is one thing that you can do for yourself today? Your family will thank you for it.
Lord, I often get tired and weary. I often give of myself without allowing myself to be refilled. Help me to recognize when I need to take a break. I pray that when I feel overwhelmed that I will seek you for my refreshing and strength. Thank you for refilling me. And help me to be at my best for those around me. Amen
Journal prompt: Am I dispensing stale leftovers to my family and others around me? Am I allowing God to refill me? What is my favorite way to rest or relax?