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Writer's picturelibbyrubacha

Could God Choose You?

With Christmas just a few weeks away I think that it is only fitting that we discuss Mary, the mother of Jesus. If you are a mom, I’m sure you remember all of the thoughts you had going through your mind before your child was born. “What color hair will he/she have? Will he/she look like me or Daddy?” Can you imagine what thoughts crossed Mary’s mind to know that she was carrying God’s son?

When I had my daughter, her gender was a surprise, even though I had three ultrasounds to try to find out. I had so much anticipation for the day that I would see my child for the first time and find out if I would have a boy or a girl.

But my anticipation and waiting to see if I would have a son or a daughter seems menial in light of Mary’s situation.

Being an unwed woman, she would have been subject to so much ridicule and shame. But Mary had bold faith for such a young woman. She said yes despite what it would mean for her.

I can just imagine that her first thought may have been what Joseph would think.

Mary could have lost everything; the man she would marry, her reputation, her pride, and her family and friends. Her life would be forever changed by saying yes to God.

But He knew that Mary would give up everything in order to do what He was calling her to do.

Could God choose you?

What if God asked you for something bold today? Would you be willing to give up as much as Mary did in order to say yes to Him? Are you willing to risk it all?

That can be such a hard question to answer. Deep within us we desperately want to say yes. Yet, many times, we can’t even say yes to the little things. We give excuses; I’m too busy, that’s not my job, it’s not a priority, etc.

Saying yes to God isn’t just about the big things. He has to trust you with the little things before he can trust you with the big things.

The key is being close enough to listen. Wait and listen for God's voice. Allow Him to speak to you. Be willing to take risks and have bold faith like Mary.

Journal Prompt: Am I willing to take risks for God? Could God choose me? Am I faithful in the little things?

Prayer: Dear Lord, forgive me for making excuses. Please help me to begin saying yes to you. Please give me a willing heart to take risks. Help me to have a bold faith like Mary and listen to how you are leading me. Amen

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