Do you ever take a walk down memory lane?
Christmas is a time that brings back many memories.
As my daughter and I were decorating for Christmas last weekend, so many memories came flooding to mind. Many of my Christmas decorations have been given to me, and many of them have a story. I bet many of yours do too.
With every decoration I unpack, or every ornament I hang, I have a memory to go with almost every single one. Some of those memories make me laugh, some make me cry because of a memory of someone no longer on this Earth, and sometimes they just make me smile.
But every year I drag everything out and know that something is missing. From the time I was 10 or 11 years old, until she died, my aunt in Texas would send me fresh mistletoe.
I would anxiously await her package every year. And I would immediately tear open the box and place it in its rightful spot.
I honestly have no idea what made me love that gift so much. I do appreciate the romantic notion of the mistletoe, but I’m not sure that is what brought about my fascination.
My family certainly does not understand my driving need to have our door frames adorned with this obnoxious greenery. Mistletoe really isn’t pretty. It doesn’t have a sweet scent, and it’s actually poisonous. But I hang it as a reminder of the memory I cherish deep in my heart.
I believe God gives us memories as a gift. We know that time here on earth comes to an end. When we look back on the memories that we have made with someone that is no longer with us, it can bring feelings of sorrow, but it also brings joy.
Philippians 1:3 says, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.”
Although the Apostle Paul did not write this verse with the thought of a person who was deceased, I believe that the sentiment is still the same. Our memories should bring us joy.
Sure, memories can sometimes be difficult, but being able to remember the good things about that special person allows us to carry a small part of them with us.
So this Christmas, allow those memories to brighten the holiday. Cherish those memories, even if they are bitter sweet. Those special moments that were created are a gift from God.
And make some new memories too.
Journal prompt: What memory are you choosing to brighten your day today? Thank Him for the special memory.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the memories of my loved ones that have passed on. Help me to find joy in my memories and see them as a gift from you. Amen