Psalm 127:3-4 3 No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. 4 The children born when one is young are like arrows in the hand of a warrior.
What is it that has made you feel the most proud as a mom?
A Facebook group I’m a part of asked a question recently. I could answer this question very quickly…
I’ve had lots of proud moments as a mom. I easily could have answered, Hearing my son sing for the first time at church when he was a kid or watching him lead worship, watching Matt baptize both of my kids, watching them receive the many awards that they have received; Ashley with sports and Brandon with music. But the number one thing that has made me the proudest as a mom is having an adult child and seeing him put into practice the values that he was taught and see him become a successful adult.
If you have an adult child that is serving the Lord , I’m going to guess that you would probably agree with that statement.
As I thought about my answer, I reflected on the seasons I went through as a mom. Many seasons were tough. I remember being up with Ashley night after night for months when she was a toddler with night terrors. I remember Brandon dealing with some health issues when he was a baby. I remember and am still experiencing with my daughter, the drama they go through as teenagers. But I also remember the times they still need mom for advice, or to wipe away tears, or just to talk.
Just a few weeks before I pondered what had made me the proudest as a mom; Brandon, who’s 23, called me late one night and asked if we could talk. I love it when my kids ask this. But this particular conversation shook me a bit. He asked me how I would feel about him moving to Seattle. There was a job opportunity there that he was going to apply for. Before I answered him, I heard God’s quiet voice tell me that I needed to be the Godly influence that I had been called to be. I was so torn because selfishly, I would never want him to go. But I also know that God has a plan for his life. Matt and I have taught our children that God’s voice is the most important. I am so proud when I see my kids follow God’s plan. He didn’t take that job, but he did just take a job that took him to Atlanta. I’m proud that he is following the voice of God, even if it’s not what I want. But it’s time that my arrow leaves it’s quiver. (Psalm 127:4)
After that conversation with Brandon, I was reminded of Mary. I imagine that Mary felt this tug on her heart too. How hard must it have been to be the mother of Jesus? Selfishly, she must have experienced so much pain, but how proud she must have been to be the mother of the savior. How proud she must have been that her son was fulfilling the call of God.
My situation in no way compared to the depth of what she felt as her son hung on that cross. I don’t believe that she really knew that being the mother of the son of God meant she would have to sacrifice so much. Would she have said yes to God if she knew? I believe she would have. I also believe that if she was asked if it had been worth it, she would have said, every moment. She would not have wanted to miss a single second of the joy that her son had brought to her life.
Another lesson that we learn from Mary is that even though she wasn’t aware of the outcome, she said yes anyway. He doesn’t always give us the whole picture. But when God speaks, step out in faith. If He calls you to do it, He will equip you to complete it.
Dear Lord, thank you for all of the proud moments that you have given me. Thank you for the joy that my children have brought me. Children are truly a gift (Psalm 127:3), and I wouldn’t trade a single moment. Help me to be a Godly influence in their lives as they continue to grow closer to you. Help me to always be in tune to hear your still small voice. Amen
Journal prompt: what has made you the most proud as a mom? Has it all been worth it, even those challenging moments? Is God calling you to something, but not put all the pieces together ?