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Writer's picturelibbyrubacha

Call Out to Him

Have you ever been so desperate in a situation that you feel like you have nothing left? Do you ever feel like you’ve given it all and you are empty and depleted? Have you cried out to God and feel like he's forgotten you? I assure you that he hasn't. He didn’t forget Hannah.

Hannah had a deep desire to have a child, but she could not.

1 Samuel 1:8 (MSG)

And Elkanah, her husband, said to her, “Hannah, why do you weep? And why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?”

Elkanah loved Hannah and did not care if she did not produce an heir for him.

Hannah went to the temple to pray. The priest thought she was drunk because she was praying from the very depths of her soul and she could not find the words to say. Hannah spoke in her heart, only her lips moved, her voice was not heard.

The King James Version says, in v 10 that in bitterness of soul Hannah wept and prayed to the Lord. She was bitter. Have you ever prayed out of bitterness? When I'm bitter I don't say the nicest of things when I pray.

But there comes a point when we are bitter that we have to let go. Maybe that was the first time Hannah really let go and let God take control. God answered Hannah’s prayer, and not only did God give Hannah her son Samuel, but God gave three more sons and two daughters.

You may know Laura Story’s song, Blessings. This is one of my favorite songs.

The chorus says,

What if your blessings come through raindrops?

What if your healing comes through tears?

What if a thousand sleepless nights Are what it takes to know you’re near?

What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?

Sometimes our greatest blessings come through the hardest of circumstances. Sometimes you have to go through the trial to receive the blessing God intends. You just have to hold on because God has great plans for you. Don’t lose sight of what may lie ahead. He’s not done yet.

Isaiah 30:18 (MSG)

But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you.

He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you.

God takes the time to do everything right—everything.

Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.

God wants to be gracious to you. His time is the right time. Wait around to see the blessings that may come through your raindrops!

He promises us through his word that we will never go through those trials alone. But don’t stop seeking Him. Ask Him for what you need.

What do you need God to be for you? Do you need Him to be your protector, your healer, your friend, your confidant, your companion?

Are you that mom that is overwhelmed, stressed, and alone? Maybe you've messed up like Sarah did and tried to do things your own you need Him to be a forgiver, or are you ready for Him to take over and be the leader of your life?

Have you given up hope, or have you given up any thought of your future and just accepted that this is just the way it is? God can give you hopes and dreams again.

Maybe you are desperate or bitter like Hannah? Do you need God to do something miraculous in your life? He's not done yet! Call out to Him in the midst of your desperation, He will comfort you.

Lord Jesus, again, thank you that you’re not done yet! You are working and moving in all of our lives. Thank you that we can come to you with whatever need that we have, and you are faithful to meet it. Lord, I know that there are those reading this that are struggling with situations that only you can fix. Lord, the need may be great, or it may be small, but to you, all needs are worthy of bringing to you. Lord, I pray that those that have needs will lay them at your feet today. Amen

Journal prompt: Am I in a situation that I feel desperate? What do I need from God?

"blessings laura story Lyrics." STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Web. 24 Apr. 2021. <>.

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