Faith is not believing that God can, it’s knowing that He will. This quote really speaks to me. I have no problem with the first part, it’s the second part that trips me up. I have no doubt that God CAN do, I just don’t always believe that He will do it for me.
A few weeks ago I was going through some of my kids’ old papers and awards. I came across a journal entry my daughter had written when she was about 8 years old. It said, “I know that as long as I have faith in God I will be fine, and if I have faith in Him he will put his arms around me and protect me and keep me safe.”
A child is transparent. My daughter was expressing her faith in God and believed that He would provide what she needed. There was no doubt in her mind. Why don’t I have faith like that? Sometimes I do, but my faith waivers, just like yours probably does too.
Why do we doubt? Why do we have such a hard time believing God will do for us when we know He can, and we see Him do for others? There are so many times that I have prayed for something that didn’t get answered in a way that I would have liked. It doesn’t mean that God wasn’t working on my behalf, He just knows better than I do. Sometimes what I want isn’t what’s best for me. That doesn’t mean that I should stop believing that He will.
Matthew 18:2-4 in the Amplified Bible says, “2 He called a little child and set him before them, 3 and said, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking, live changed lives] and become like children [trusting, humble, and forgiving], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever [a]humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
This translation refers to a child as trusting, humble, and forgiving. My daughter trusted that God would protect her. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God would come through. She didn’t doubt, she didn’t waver.
She trusted.
TRUST, such a simple word, but yet it seems giant to me. This is a word I struggle with. Maybe this is why I don’t always believe He will. Trust is not something that I give easily. But I can put my total trust in my God who provides my every need.
I don’t know what you are facing today. Maybe your faith is wavering. Be like that little girl who believed not only that God would protect her, but that He would wrap His arms around her.
Do you need God’s strong arms today? Just have faith, and lean into Him. He knows what you need. Even if the situation doesn’t turn out the way you want, know that God sees the bigger picture, and He is with you every step of the way.
Have faith in Him. Know that He can, but also believe that He will.
Lord Jesus, you know my situation. Help me to have faith and know that you will work on my behalf. I pray that you wrap your loving arms around me so that I can feel you with me. Thank you that I can put my total trust in you. Help me to BELEIVE that you will. Amen
Journal prompt: Do I struggle with believing that He will? Why do I doubt? What situation do I need to trust him with?