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Be of Strong Character

The Proverbs 31 woman…

Proverbs 31:10-31

What do you think of when you read this passage? I used to be fearful that I could never measure up. Can any of us measure up to this woman? This passage comes from advice from a mother to her son about what things he should look for when seeking someone to marry.

This is of course strictly my opinion, but I don’t think the advice given here is really based on the things she does, but her character behind these examples.

So as I studied this passage I found that the example given here encourages us to be a mindful woman.

1)This woman is mindful of her resources, what she has and the mind that God has blessed her with.

She is capable, able to do things herself. She should not rely on her husband, she is his helpmate, not his hindrance.

She is Intelligent, frugal, wise, resourceful, diligent, hard working, she is a leader and can take charge, she is confident, and she is prepared.

2)She is mindful of others. She cares for and makes an impact on everyone around her.

She is trustworthy and dedicated.

She is careful to speak. This is a big one! Be careful to speak ladies! What you say and how you say it reflects back upon your character. We are to be a Godly influence on those around us. Your words hurt. Think before you speak! Use wisdom.

She is a comforter, encourager, counselor, mentor, and teacher. She is kind, (AMP) 26“the teaching of kindness is on her tongue [giving counsel and instruction].”

She provides for her family’s needs, she cares for them.

She also has strength of character.

3)She is mindful of herself. She does not neglect taking care of her own personal needs.

She takes care of herself spiritually, mentally, and physically so she is prepared to do what the lord has called her to do.

She is strong.

She has inward beauty. I love verse 30 (AMP) that says, Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain.

How many of you know someone who is charming or beautiful and then you get to know them and their charm or beauty no longer holds value to you because of their lack of character?

1 Peter 3:4 (AMP) says, “but let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God.”

She is an Early-riser. I don’t think that this specifically means a time of day, I think that in order for her to be her best self, read her Bible, prepare for her day, she gets up earlier than she has to. She doesn’t set her alarm with just enough minutes to get out the door. I used to do that, but now I get up about 30 minutes earlier than I have to every morning before work so that I can read my devotions and mentally and emotionally prepare for my day. I find that this time is very important. I cannot function well if I don’t prepare for my day.

4)She is mindful of Christ. She puts God as her highest priority and listens to His voice.

She is virtuous, noble, faithful, trusts in God, gives to the poor, worships, obeys God, serves God, and is steadfast.

It is because she is mindful of these things, she is...

Happy, prosperous, successful, precious, valuable, admired, and worthy to be praised.

The end of verse 30 (AMP) says, “a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.”

Is your character worthy of being praised?

Don’t focus on all of the things this woman has accomplished. Focus on being mindful. Be a woman who is mindful of what you have, mindful of others, mindful of yourself, and mindful of Christ.

Dear Lord, help me to be a woman of strong character. I pray that my inner beauty will shine through. I pray that others will see you through my character. Amen

Journal Prompt: Am I mindful of what I have, mindful of others, mindful of myself, and mindful of Christ? What area(s) do I need to work on?

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