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A Covenant of Hope

I thought we would do things a little differently with this post and have a Bible study.

Do you ever read the Old Testament and don’t understand what you just read, or wonder

how it pertains to your life?

Sometimes I feel that way when I read Leviticus. But I studied Leviticus 26 a little deeper.

I encourage you to read Leviticus 26 before reading this study.

This chapter is based on a covenant, a binding holy agreement, that God made with the people of Israel. With a covenant, all parties involved make a promise to the other, and it is not something to be taken lightly. It is clearly outlined so that all parties know what they are agreeing to. And in this chapter, God clearly outlines the blessings that His people will receive if they follow His commands, and the consequences if they don’t.

This chapter begins with a reminder of the first commandment, Exodus 20:3-4 “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image…” Idols are dangerous. Although this passage references physical idols, we need to understand that there are many things that can become idols in our lives, they do not have to be a physical structure. An idol is anything that we make more important than God; this can include family, money, your image or appearance, success, or anything else that can separate us from Him. It is very easy for this to happen, even for a short time. Sometimes I find myself putting God off for other things saying that I don’t have time today for devotions, Bible reading, or prayer. Even if the things in our lives that take our time are good things, we can’t neglect our time with Him. If we don’t have time to spend time with God, we have made other things more important, and some of those “good” things may have to go.

This chapter continues with if/then statements of blessings if they followed God’s commands and punishments if they didn’t. The punishments progress in harshness as God continues to say, “if you still won’t listen to me…” Sometimes it does take God multiple attempts to get our attention, doesn’t it?

When I look at these if/then statements, I am reminded of some of my parenting moments. If you are a parent, did you ever give your children boundaries to protect them from the consequences of making bad choices? When children are young they can not reason yet with cause and effect, so parents give them boundaries. These are meant for safety. God was giving the Israelites boundaries to help them navigate being a child of God. Just like a barrier on the side of the road protects us from drifting into a dangerous area, God was protecting His people from the consequences of drifting away from Him.

Imagine a flashing yellow light. Does it get your attention? Does it tell you that there is something you need to watch out for, or a warning of something potentially dangerous ahead? This chapter is God’s warning signal. Every time God says “if you still won’t listen to me…,” I can imagine the flashing light getting brighter. Like God is saying “HELLO, why didn’t you listen to me the first time???”

How does this chapter relate to us today? Christ died on the cross for our sins. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior, we enter into a covenant with Him.

So here is our if/then statement...

IF I accept Christ Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, confess my sins, and have a relationship with Him; THEN I will be saved from my sin and spend eternity in Heaven.

That does not mean that we can live as we please. We too experience consequences; whether good or bad, for every decision we make. This passage serves as a reminder that God has given us boundaries for our protection. God has warned us that there are potential dangers and challenges ahead. Let this chapter serve as your flashing yellow light. Pay attention to God’s “HELLO, listen to me,” and put Him first in your life.

But the best part about this chapter is the offer of HOPE! Remember that if you do drift into dangerous territory, God offers hope and forgiveness when we turn to Him. My hope and assurance is in trusting His word that when I walk with Him, I will experience the fullness of His blessings and a peace in knowing that I am a child of God.

Is there anything in your life that you need to set aside because it has become or has the potential to become an idol?

Lord, thank you for your hope. Thank you that you are always there waiting for us if we drift away from you. Thank you for my hope and assurance that if I walk with you I will experience the fullness of your blessings and a peace in knowing that I am a child of God. Help me to realize when you are trying to get my attention. And help me to put aside anything that has separated me from you. Amen

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